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Customized and easy to maintain database for small organizations/projects


A database: what for?

Every organization needs to keep track of data, be it of orders, clients, production, employees, etc. And all standardized processes need to register their detais into a centralized repository. In particular when these data need to be accessed/handled by different people.


What are the usual options in terms of database?

Between spreadsheets (quick and easy to set up but hardly scalable when it comes to functionalities, number of users, UI...) and a full-scale database (reliable and scalable but requiring longer implementation time and dedicated maintenance), until recently, there was no real flexible, simple and cheap alternative.


What do we recommend?

The Airtable cloud app constitutes a great option for creating simple and reliable databases with efficient user interfaces. As a SaaS (Software as a Service) tool, it requires absolutely no maintenance or installation from either users or administrators and turns data accessible to all relevant users securely from whatever computer/smartphone/tablet connected to the Internet.


What is our role?

Our On-call CIOs will gather your requirements and set up an Airtable database according to the following principles:

  • Simplify the insertion, access and alteration of data by authorized users

  • Increase the reliability of your information through centralization and synchronization of the data sources

  • Provide summarized and to the point visualizations of the data to monitor the organization's processes


On-call Database


    • 4-hour remote consulting session by one of our On-call CIOs to gather your requirements and explain the services
    • 1 Airtable database of up to 10 tables or 100 table fields
    • Access to sources for future evolutions
    • Our "Money-back guarantee"
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